creative producer
pavan bapu
Sharpie: Gift of Expression
Develop non-traditional creative that explores Sharpie's strategic angle on being about self-expression.
Today there are thousands of kids living with quadriplegia (no feeling from the neck down). The majority of them use ineffective, rudimentary techniques to draw--hindering their ability to properly express themselves. If Sharpie is truly the advocate for self-expression, how does the brand apply to these kids? What if Sharpie gave them the gift of expression?
We're building an intuitive, cost-effective, open-source system that gives quadriplegic kids the ability to express themselves with Sharpies. We're combining cutting edge tera-mouse technology with open-source robotics that allow these kids to comfortably + accurately draw with their mouth. Lip and tongue gestures are commands to draw real images with robotic arms holding Sharpie markers--providing a fun, visceral feeling of expressing yourself. For the first time a parent of a quadriplegic child can take home a drawing his or her child made in school.
(contact me for more details on this project)